browser dump

# feeling lucky

tl;dr guessing / poking around in the dark / deleting everything has never worked and if it has it's infinitely less preferable to the ^ method

feeling lucky is almost always right, if howdoi didn't quite get you there

  1. edit ur search engine settings to include a shortcut to i'm feeling lucky query
  2. mine being l <space> "query"
  3. read the resulting page and weep

my own experiences in debugging (to tears) and watching other developers is the immediate googling of a well-ish worded question will produce the intended result

bonus tip: this is failsafe provided that you've clearly defined distinct steps you need to take & make it happen

double bonus: reading documentation

triple bonus: reading and then practicomg what u read in a sandbox

quadruple bonus: spaced repetition of 1-3

# stats

NB chrome doms & reses r as follows:


# browser extensions

# octomate, octolinker

adds shiny download button to download files, a TOC, and favorites bar

octomate (opens new window), octolinker (opens new window)

# klim reader

prettier even than Safari which is second prettiest

note to self: you can find stylesheets for extensions the same way as any other (n it might be well-commented too)

  /*border-collapse: collapse*/
  border-spacing: 0
  /* border-collapse stuffs up in FF: fails to draw <td> borders when using dynamic hide/show */
  article, aside, details, figcaption,
  figure, footer, header, hgroup,
  menu, nav, section, video
  display: block
  margin: 0
  padding: 0

/* make 'em flexible */
html, body
  -webkit-text-size-adjust: none
    /* Prevent font scaling in landscape */
  font-size: 100%
  height: 100%
  color: #000
  font-family: 'PitchWeb-Regular'

/* Hide all direct descendants of body that aren't the klim wrapper.
 * This hides any elements that may be written into the DOM after we've
 * removed all the children of body.
body > :not(.klim-wrapper)
  display: none !important

/***** layout ******/
  width: 100%
  position: fixed
  top: 0
  background: black
  text-align: center
  z-index: 1000

.header-container span
  vertical-align: top
  padding: 7px 0px 9px 0px

  margin-left: auto
  margin-right: auto
  padding: 0 5%
  text-align: left

# operabrowserjs=no

today in browsing around the file system, i saw this interesting (kinda funny) script whereby opera "pretends its Chrome" for every site from Lufthansa to Australian sports websites to

/Applications/Opera Contents/Versions/57.0.3090.0/OperaFramework.framework/ Versions/A/Resources/browser.js (opens new window)

if (!location.href.includes('operabrowserjs=no')) {
  (function(document) {
    const {href, pathname, hostname} = location;

      We make references to the following functions to not get version that
      users have overwritten.
    const setTimeout = window.setTimeout;
    const call =;
    const copyMethod = (method, ...defaultArgs) => { = call;
      return (...args) => {
        if (defaultArgs.length) {
          args = defaultArgs.concat(args);

    const addEventListener = copyMethod(Window.prototype.addEventListener);
    const appendChild = copyMethod(Node.prototype.appendChild);
    const createElement = copyMethod(Document.prototype.createElement);
    const createTextNode =
        copyMethod(Document.prototype.createTextNode, document);
    const setAttribute = copyMethod(Element.prototype.setAttribute);
    const querySelector = copyMethod(Document.prototype.querySelector);
    const querySelectorElement = copyMethod(Element.prototype.querySelector);

    const version = () => {
      const total = Object.keys(PATCHES).length;
      /* eslint-disable max-len */
      return `Opera OPRDesktop 28.0 core 1750.0, August 30, 2018. Active patches: ${total}`;
      /* eslint-enable max-len */

    const log = text => {
      /* eslint-disable max-len, no-console */
          `Opera has modified script or content on ${hostname} (${text}). See browser.js for details`);
      /* eslint-enable max-len, no-console */

    const isPartOfDomain = host =>
        hostname.endsWith(`.${host}`) || hostname === host;
    const hideOperaUserAgent = () => {
      const newUA = navigator.userAgent.replace(/ ?OPR.[0-9.]*/, '');
      Object.defineProperty(window.navigator, 'userAgent', {get: () => newUA});

    const addCssToDocument = (cssText, doc = document, mediaType = '') => {
      addCssToDocument.styleObj = addCssToDocument.styleObj || {};
      let styles = addCssToDocument.styleObj[mediaType];
      if (!styles) {
        const head = querySelector(doc, 'head');
        if (!head) {
          // head always present in html5-parsers, assume document not ready
          addEventListener(doc, 'DOMContentLoaded', () => {
            addCssToDocument(cssText, doc, mediaType);
          }, false);
        styles = createElement(doc, 'style');
        addCssToDocument.styleObj[mediaType] = styles;
        setAttribute(styles, 'type', 'text/css');
        if (mediaType) {
          setAttribute(styles, 'media', mediaType);
        appendChild(styles, createTextNode(' '));
        appendChild(head, styles);
      styles.firstChild.nodeValue += `${cssText}\n`;
      return true;

    const PATCHES = {
      'PATCH-1173': {
        description: 'ssc[online][2].{nic,gov}.in - ' +
            'Netscape not supported message - workaround browser sniffing',
        isMatching: () => {
          if ((hostname.endsWith('') || hostname.endsWith('')) &&
              hostname.includes('ssc')) {
            if (hostname.match(/ssc(?:online)?2?\.(?:nic|gov)\.in/)) {
              return true;
          return false;
        applyOnDOMReady: true,
        apply: () => {
              window.navigator, 'appName', {get: () => 'Opera'});
      'PATCH-1218': {
        description: 'pretend to be Chrome on',
        isMatching: () => isPartOfDomain(''),
        apply: () => hideOperaUserAgent(),
      'PATCH-1228': {
        description: 'block for delta-homes com spam site',
        isMatching: () => isPartOfDomain(''),
        apply: () => location.reload(''),
      'PATCH-1227': {
        description: 'Mock as Chrome on popular American Bank Sites',
        isMatching: () => isPartOfDomain('') ||
        apply: () => hideOperaUserAgent(),
      'PATCH-1289': {
        description: 'Mock as Chrome on popular polish bank BGZ Optima',
        isMatching: () => isPartOfDomain(''),
        apply: () => hideOperaUserAgent(),
      'DNA-70096': {
        description: 'Mock Microsoft Team as Chrome',
        isMatching: () => isPartOfDomain(''),
        apply: () => hideOperaUserAgent(),
      'PATCH-1270': {
        description: 'Pretend to be Chrome on Telnor',
        isMatching: () => isPartOfDomain(''),
        apply: () => hideOperaUserAgent(),
      'PATCH-1298': {
        description: 'Pretend to be Chrome on hoopladigital',
        isMatching: () => isPartOfDomain(''),
        apply: () => hideOperaUserAgent(),
      'DNAWIZ-34975': {
        description: 'Pretend to be Chrome on barnesandnoble',
        isMatching: () => isPartOfDomain(''),
        apply: () => hideOperaUserAgent(),
      'DNAWIZ-39189': {
        description: 'Pretend to be Chrome on cineplex',
        isMatching: () => isPartOfDomain(''),
        apply: () => hideOperaUserAgent(),
      'PATCH-1303': {
        description: 'Pretend to be Chrome on penfed',
        isMatching: () => isPartOfDomain(''),
        apply: () => hideOperaUserAgent(),
      'PATCH-1296': {
        description: 'Pretend to be Chrome on instamed',
        isMatching: () => isPartOfDomain(''),
        apply: () => hideOperaUserAgent(),

      // etc

      'PATCH-1295': {
        description: 'Pretend to be Chrome on blend',
        isMatching: () => isPartOfDomain(''),
        apply: () => hideOperaUserAgent(),

      'PATCH-1207': {
        description: 'Bluejeans web app doesn\'t work with Opera',
        isMatching: () => {
          if (!isPartOfDomain('')) {
            return false;

          if (! || ! {
            return true;

          return false;
        apply: () => = {'sendMessage': () => {}},
      'PATCH-555': {
        description: 'Analytix: add missing end quote',
        isMatching: () => pathname.startsWith('/AnalyticalReporting/'),
        apply: () => {
          if (pathname.includes('AnalyticalReporting/') ||
              pathname.includes('AnalyticalReporting/')) {
            Object.defineProperty(window, 'embed_size_attr', {
              get: function() { return this.__embed_size_attr__; },
              set: function(arg) {
                if (arg.split('"').length === 2) {
                  arg += '"';
                this.__embed_size_attr__ = arg;
      'PATCH-1217': {
        description: 'pretend to be Chrome on Google Spreadsheets',
        isMatching: () => hostname.startsWith('') &&
        apply: () => hideOperaUserAgent(),
      'DNA-69435': {
        description: 'Hide Yandex ad from yandex search results',
        isMatching: () => hostname.startsWith('yandex') &&
        apply: () => {
          addCssToDocument('.popup2.distr-popup {visibility: hidden;}');

    for (let key in PATCHES) {
      const {isMatching, apply, description, applyOnDOMReady} = PATCHES[key];
      if (isMatching()) {
        const run = () => {
          log(`${key}, ${description}`);

        if (applyOnDOMReady) {
          addEventListener(document, 'DOMContentLoaded', run, false);
        } else {

user scripts

# linters

# site check

simplest example yet mb the most informative of any bookmarklet (second maybe to Axe for accessibility)


# html code sniffer

tests 4 different standards (WCAG2[A]AA, standard 508), with links on how to pass on the relevant whatwg guideline

javascript: (function () {
  var _p = '//';
  var _i = function (s, cb) {
    var sc = document.createElement('script');
    sc.onload = function () {
      sc.onload = null;
      sc.onreadystatechange = null;;

    sc.onreadystatechange = function () {
      if (/^(complete|loaded)$/.test(this.readyState) === true) {
        sc.onreadystatechange = null;

    sc.src = s;
    if (document.head) {
    } else {

  var options = {
    path: _p

  _i(_p + 'HTMLCS.js', function () {'WCAG2AA', null, options);


# textise:

a proto-reader bookmarklet

javascript: (function () {
  var here;
  here = location.href;

  if (unescape(here) == '') {

  if (unescape(here).indexOf('') > -1) {
    orig = unescape(unescape(here.substr(45)));
    if (orig.substr(0, 4) != 'http') {
      orig = 'http://' + orig
    location.href = orig;
  } else {
    location.href = '' + escape(here);

// unescaped:
