vim, editor dump
This is basically a reminder of cool things possible.
" Use qq in insert and command mode to Esc and to exit when in normal mode
inoremap qq <Esc>
cnoremap qq <Esc>
nnoremap qq :q<cr>
nnoremap q1 :q!<cr>
" Use qs to save while in insert mode
inoremap qs <Esc>:w<cr>a
i went weeks hitting ctrl + p which search only node modules before
hitting :h CtrlP
where i learned how to set the custom ignore paths :~)
:h CtrlP
You can use Vim's |'wildignore'| to exclude files and directories from the
Examples: >
" Excluding version control directories
set wildignore+=*/.git/*,*/.hg/*,*/.svn/* " Linux/MacOSX
set wildignore+=*\\.git\\*,*\\.hg\\*,*\\.svn\\* " Windows ('noshellslash')
or any command supplied w/ last bit of previous output (opens new window)
or any url = edit the html of said page
execute a command and print results under cursor
:r! echo $PATH
s like autocmd BufWritePre * %s/\s+$//e`augroup vimrcEx
autocmd FileType text setlocal textwidth=78
autocmd BufReadPost *
\ if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") |
\ exe "normal g`\"" |
\ endif
augroup END
function! RenameFile()
let old_name = expand('%')
let new_name = input('New file name: ', expand('%'), 'file')
if new_name != '' && new_name != old_name
exec ':saveas ' . new_name
exec ':silent !rm ' . old_name
map <leader>n :call RenameFile()<cr>
enter a key
open the file, re-enter the key
... and navigate 2 the first result... (in a new buffer!)
nnoremap <F5> :grep <C-R><C-W> *<CR>
vim --noplugin
:mk copy-of-current-settings.vim
if &cp | set nocp | endif
let s:cpo_save=&cpo
set cpo&vim
imap <Nul> <C-Space>
inoremap <expr> <Up> pumvisible() ? "\" : "\<Up>"
inoremap <expr> <Down> pumvisible() ? "\" : "\<Down>"
inoremap <expr> <S-Tab> pumvisible() ? "\" : "\<S-Tab>"
inoremap <silent> <Plug>NERDCommenterInsert <BS>:call NERDComment('i', "insert")
inoremap <silent> <expr> <Plug>delimitMateS-BS delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair() ? "\<Del>" : "\<S-BS>"
inoremap <silent> <Plug>delimitMateBS =delimitMate#BS()
inoremap <silent> <C-Tab> =UltiSnips#ListSnippets()
" etc
:h ctrl-x
instead of d $
use C
don't use nnn, vifm, ranger, lynx etc.
= set a mark @ spot under cursor
= go back 2 ms
(quicker: use c-i <tab> + c-o
CTRL-O Go to [count] Older cursor position in jump list
<Tab> or *CTRL-I* *<Tab>*
CTRL-I Go to [count] newer cursor position in jump list
set guifont=*
brings up font requester!
by mucho ~ `:ALEInfo` on a rando blogpost in markdown returns:
Current Filetype: markdown
Available Linters: \['alex', 'markdownlint', 'mdl', 'proselint', 'redpen', 'remark-lint', 'textlint', 'vale', 'write-good']
Enabled Linters: \['alex', 'markdownlint', 'mdl', 'proselint', 'redpen', 'remark-lint', 'textlint', 'vale', 'write-good']
Suggested Fixers:
'prettier' - Apply prettier to a file.
Linter Variables:
let g:ale_markdown_mdl_executable = 'mdl'
let g:ale_markdown_mdl_options = ''
Global Variables:
let g:ale_completion_delay = v:null
let g:ale_fix_on_save = 0
// .vimrc
map <F5> :setlocal spell! spelllang=en_us<CR>
find suggestionszg
add word to list
<li><a href="#">
<li><a href="#">
<li><a href="#">
</div> (opens new window)
wrap everything cutely, magically
guess what this does
guess how many hours of my life i've wasted
opening a terminal to use `ack` bc i'd opened vim in not-the-directory
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod
tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At
vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren,
no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
ctrl-p(lease) use it
Was flirting with the idea of trying out emacs and reading the wiki. Found this funny section:
The Church of Emacs, formed by Richard Stallman, is a parody religion created for Emacs users.[49] While it refers to vi as the editor of the beast (vi-vi-vi being 6-6-6 in Roman numerals), it does not oppose the use of vi; rather, it calls it proprietary software anathema. ("Using a free version of vi is not a sin but a penance."[50])
you don't grok vi (opens new window) (opens new window)
generate TOC from markdown w/ ctags (opens new window)
romainl's gists (opens new window)
vimrc guide (opens new window)
Key Action Followed by
a enter insertion mode after current character text, ESC
b back word
c change command cursor motion command
d delete command cursor motion command
e end of word
f find character after cursor in current line character to find
h move left one character
i enter insertion mode before current character text, ESC
j move down one line
k move up one line
l move right one character
m mark current line and position mark character tag (a-z)
n repeat last search
o open line below and enter insertion mode text, ESC
p put buffer after cursor
r replace single character at cursor replacement character expected
s substitute single character with new text text, ESC
t same as "f" but cursor moves to just before found character character to find
u undo
w move foreward one word
x delete single character
y yank command cursor motion command
z position current line CR = top; "." = center; "-"=bottom
A enter insertion mode after end of line text, ESC
B move back one Word
C change to end of line text, ESC
D delete to end of line
E move to end of Word
F backwards version of "f" character to find
G goto line number prefixed, or goto end if none
H home cursor - goto first line on screen
I enter insertion mode before first non-whitespace character text, ESC
J join current line with next line
L goto last line on screen
M goto middle line on screen
N repeat last search, but in opposite direction of original search
O open line above and enter insertion mode text, ESC
P put buffer before cursor
Q leave visual mode (go into "ex" mode)
R replace mode - replaces through end of current line, then inserts text, ESC
S substitute entire line - deletes line, enters insertion mode text, ESC
T backwards version of "t" character to find
U restores line to state when cursor was moved into it
W foreward Word
X delete backwards single character
Y yank entire line
Z first half of quick save-and-exit "Z"
0 move to column zero
1-9 numeric precursor to other commands [additional numbers (0-9)] command
(SPACE) move right one character
! shell command filter cursor motion command, shell command
@ vi eval buffer name (a-z)
$ move to end of line
% match nearest [],(),{} on line, to its match (same line or others)
^ move to first non-whitespace character of line
& repeat last ex substitution (":s ...") not including modifiers
( move to previous sentence
) move to next sentence
| move to column zero
- move to first non-whitespace of previous line
_ similar to "^" but uses numeric prefix oddly
+ move to first non-whitespace of next line
[ move to previous "{...}" section "["
] move to next "{...}" section "]"
{ move to previous blank-line separated section "{"
} move to next blank-line separated section "}"
; repeat last "f", "F", "t", or "T" command
' move to marked line, first non-whitespace character tag (a-z)
` move to marked line, memorized column character tag (a-z)
: ex-submode ex command
" access numbered buffer; load or access lettered buffer 1-9,a-z
~ reverse case of current character and move cursor forward
, reverse direction of last "f", "F", "t", or "T" command
. repeat last text-changing command
/ search forward search string, ESC or CR
< unindent command cursor motion command
> indent command cursor motion command
? search backward search string, ESC or CR
^B back (up) one screen
^D down half screen
^E scroll text up (cursor doesn't move unless it has to)
^F foreward (down) one screen
^G show status
^H backspace
^J line down
^L refresh screen
^M (CR) move to first non-whitespace of next line
^N move down one line
^P move up one line
^R does nothing (variants: redraw; multiple-redo)
^T go to the file/code you were editing before the last tag jump
^U up half screen
^Y scroll text down (cursor doesn't move unless it has to)
^Z suspend program
^[ (ESC) cancel started command; otherwise UNBOUND
^\ leave visual mode (go into "ex" mode)
^] use word at cursor to lookup function in tags file, edit that file/code
^^ switch file buffers
UNBOUND - this key is not normally bound to any vi command
word - a lower-case word ("w", "b", "e" commands) is defined by a consecutive string of letters, numbers, or underscore, or a consecutive string of characters that is not any of {letters, numbers, underscore, whitespace}
Word - an upper-case word ("W", "B", "E" commands) is a consecutive sequence of non-whitespace.
cursor motion command - any command which positions the cursor is ok here, including the use of numeric prefixes. In addition, a repeat of the edit command usually means to apply to the entire current line. For example, "<<" means shift current line left; "cc" means replace entire current line; and "dd" means delete entire current line.